Home Theatre Installation in New York

The ultimate cinematic experience

Let our local experts guide you to a home theatre setup that fits your home. Learn about the possibilities and test different setups – from 5.1 surround sound and advanced soundbars to TVs with quality sound built-in.

Bang & Olufsen Madison Avenue

Contact info

540 Madison Avenue
New York, New York 10022

Opening hours

Day of the WeekHours
Mon10:00 - 18:00
Tue10:00 - 18:00
Wed10:00 - 18:00
Thu10:00 - 18:00
Fri10:00 - 18:00
Sat10:00 - 18:00
Sun12:00 - 18:00
Call or Email us to schedule a private appointment from 11 AM to 1 PM.
Event Imagehome theater
Smart Home Integration

The ultimate cinematic experience at your command

Visit our store on 540 Madison Avenue in New York to see how Bang & Olufsen's home theatre systems will work in harmony with your smart home setup.
New sound for a new home

Pay Us a Visit

Visit our store for a full range of experiences. Test which speaker systems are best for your home. Discover how we can tailor a setup to your individual needs. Choose individual parts to enhance your existing home setup.

Home Theatre FAQ

Event ImageExperience at Home with App

AR Experience App

From imagination to reality. Experience how your favourite products visually come to life in your own personal space.
AR Experience App available for iOS and Android.

Experience In-Store

Your new TV or speakers need to fit perfectly in your home. We can help you make the right choice.

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