Gift ideas in Taichung

Gifts that go beyond

Discover luxury presents and inspirational gifts ideas in a Bang & Olufsen store near you. Experience the sounds, textures and aesthetics for yourself before treating your loved ones to a special gift. From everyday headphones to interior speakers - there is a gift for everyone.

Bang & Olufsen Taichung Top City 台中大遠百店

Contact Info

3F., No. 251, Sec. 3, Taiwan Blvd.
Taichung Top City
Xitun Dist Taichung
Taiwan Region 407

Часы работы

День неделиЧасы
ПН11:00 - 22:00
ВТ11:00 - 22:00
СР11:00 - 22:00
ЧТ11:00 - 22:00
ПТ11:00 - 22:00
СБ10:30 - 22:00
ВС10:30 - 22:00
Bang & Olufsen Taichung
Изображение события

Luxurious gifts for any occasion

Bang & Olufsen Taichung is stocked with a wide selection of gifts for Christmas, Valentine's Day, Mother's and Father's Day, birthdays, weddings or any other occasion you’d like to celebrate with a special gift. The timeless Danish design and exceptional craftsmanship in our headphones, speakers and TVs create lasting memories through sound and vision – gift them to the people who matter most to you.
Gifts that just fit in perfectly

Crafting Memories — Since 1925

Our Bang & Olufsen shop in Taichung gives you the opportunity to experience gifts firsthand before you give them. Our comfortable and powerful headphones are a gift that can be enjoyed every day, perfect for him or her, while a pair of Bang & Olufsen speakers is not only a pleasure to unwrap but will create memories for a lifetime.

Relax, we’ve got you covered

A fulfilling and personal in-store experience is the gift we want to give to you, whether you’re shopping for yourself or someone special to you. Our well-trained staff are ready to assist you in trying out our high-quality products and can work with you to choose just the right gift for your loved one. Pay us a visit and let us inspire you.
Изображение события

Elegantly gift wrapped

A free, luxurious gift box awaits you with the purchase of any product, so every gift can be elegantly presented. Not completely sure you’ve picked the right gift for your loved one? No problem. Bang & Olufsen stores can provide you with a gift receipt, which allows you to return your purchase.

Experience in store

Bang & Olufsen Taichung Top City 台中大遠百店 offers many gifting ideas for a special occasion. We can help you make the right decision.

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