

了解设置 Bang & Olufsen 互连扬声器的不同方式,并前往附近门店为您的新家解锁各种可能。通过连接 Wi-Fi 的 Multiroom 系统,您可在任意时间和地点聆听您所喜爱的音乐,无论是在一个房间内还是同时在多个房间内,让您在新家中享受专属的音乐盛宴。

Bang & Olufsen Boston Newbury Street


233 Newbury Street
Boston, 马萨诸塞州 02116


周一11:00 - 18:00
周二11:00 - 18:00
周三11:00 - 18:00
周四11:00 - 18:00
周五11:00 - 18:00
周六12:00 - 17:00
周日12:00 - 17:00
Bang & Olufsen Newbury Street Storefront


Bang & Olufsen 互连扬声器,与您家相契合的理想选择。受北欧设计和近 100 年传统的影响,我们的互连扬声器能够融入任何空间——既可成为焦点,也可作为点缀。Bang & Olufsen 扬声器提供多种颜色和摆放选择,包括落地式、壁挂式或书架式,旨在与您的室内装饰相得益彰。

前往位于Boston的门店,发现专属于您的家用 Multiroom 扬声器

Bang & Olufsen 无线扬声器让音乐充满整个家。在家中让音乐一路随行,聆听多样旋律,或在不同房间享受无缝衔接的音乐体验——我们的 Multiroom 扬声器让这一切成为可能。简便易上手的 Bang & Olufsen App 让您轻松掌控一切。

通过我们的体验应用程序,探索并定制 Bang & Olufsen 产品

点开我们的体验应用程序,了解能够提升家居生活的各种 Bang & Olufsen 产品。在手机上将产品虚拟放置在房间中,然后通过选择不同的颜色和样式来定制您的挚爱专属。保存图片发送给家人和朋友,或将其带到您当地的 Bang & Olufsen 门店,让我们的专家为您提供进一步的帮助。


Bang & Olufsen Boston Newbury Street 的专家随时准备帮助您解决有关选择家用音响系统的任何问题。欢迎免费预约咨询,现场观看并聆听扬声器的实际应用。


*Offer valid on qualifying in store purchases only from Wednesday, March 1- Sunday, April 30, 2023 at participating Bang & Olufsen showrooms within the United States and Canada only. Subject to product availability & certain exclusions may apply. Products eligible for discount include Beolab 18 and Beolab 19 only. With your full price purchase of a Beosound Theatre, receive 20% off your purchase of a pair of Beolab 18s or receive 25% off your bundle purchase of a pair of Beolab 18s and a pair of Beolab 19s. Installation and delivery charges are not included. Installation and delivery services are available for additional fees. Offer cannot be combined with any other parallel offers. With proof of prior Beosound Theatre purchase from a Bang & Olufsen partner location within the United States and Canada only, you will also be eligible for promotion offer. Only one of the above promotional offers can be redeemed for every Beosound Theatre purchase. Please visit your local Bang & Olufsen store for more information.