illumina, LLC (Custom Integration Partner)
5451 NW Newberry Hill Rd
Suite 101
Silverdale, 华盛顿州 98383
+1 206-347-1070

About us
illumina is a full service lighting solutions provider and integration specialist. They offer a "design assist" approach to lighting distribution and fixture specification. illumina provides comprehensive lighting and audio packages, as well as complete home automation solutions.
Experience In-Store
Your new TV or speakers need to fit perfectly in your home. We can help you make the right choice.
Services we offer

本店拥有一批训练有素的员工,能够将路创照明和自动遮阳帘与您的 Bang & Olufsen 多房间或家庭影院布置相融合。通过集成式灯具、声音和娱乐提升您的家庭体验。

我们的 Bang & Olufsen (Custom Integration Partner) 专业人员随时提供卓越服务,帮您在家中安装定制的完美 Bang & Olufsen 体验。
我们将为您提供从咨询到最终安装的全程服务。轻触一下 Bang & Olufsen 遥控器获得流畅的便利体验,这是我们为之奋斗的目标。
当您在本店购买 Bang & Olufsen 产品时,我们优秀的店内员工将会竭诚为您提供最好的服务。我们会定期核查服务工程师和安装技工的工作和知识,以确保他们提供最高标准的工作品质。所有一切流程均获 Bang & Olufsen 认证。