SoundWaves (Custom Integration Partner)
About us
We design, engineer, program, install, and maintain smart home automation, smart lighting control and home networking systems for Philadelphia, Gladwyne, Wayne, the Main Line and throughout eastern Pennsylvania. We provide simple control of integrated technology and automation comprising audio, video, lighting, motorized shading, climate control, energy management, networking, phone, and security components. Our extensive experience, customer focused approach, and high quality of service as a smart home installation company makes it easy for you to experience all the benefits of customized technology solutions for your home or business.
Experience In-Store
Your new TV or speakers need to fit perfectly in your home. We can help you make the right choice.
Services we offer
在 Bang & Olufsen (Custom Integration Partner),您可透過下列連結預約示範。當您預先預約示範時,我們會為您預留時間,讓您可體驗您感興趣的產品。如您已想到任何特定產品或是設置,請在評論中讓我們知道。
我們在 Bang & Olufsen (Custom Integration Partner) 的專業人員隨時待命,為您在家中安裝完美的客製化 Bang & Olufsen 體驗。
從諮詢到最後安裝執行,我們都將貼心協助。我們的目標是讓您只需按下 Bang & Olufsen 遙控器上的按鍵,便能享受完美整合的便利功能。
我們的門市已針對 Lutron 燈光和自動化窗簾為員工進行培訓,以與 Bang & Olufsen 多房間控制或家庭劇院配置進行整合。利用燈光、音效和娛樂整合效果來提升您的居家體驗。
在 Bang & Olufsen (Custom Integration Partner),您可透過下列連結預約示範。當您預先預約示範時,我們會為您預留時間,讓您可體驗您感興趣的產品。如您已想到任何特定產品或是設置,請在評論中讓我們知道。